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Itching for more data? Check out our Reef Geek Guide for all of the information behind Quanta lights and accessories.
What is Quanta's mission?
We build the best-performing, toughest, and most innovative lights on the market. While providing the best value and increased access for hobbyists, our lighting options focus on growing healthy corals, all while keeping the functionality simple and the quality high.
Why did you start building aquarium lights?
We were becoming repeatedly frustrated by the lights on the market, their excessive cost, and the reality that this hobby was getting priced out of reach from the average median income household. In addition, the lack of spectrum science and poor performance made it obvious that there was a huge hole in the lighting market. We took the leap into R&D in 2021, and the rest is history!
Is this really a family-run, small business or just a drop ship company?
Owner, designer, and engineer of Quanta Lights, Luca Martino, takes great pride in Quanta being a family business. His wife, son, and daughter assist with packing, organizing shipments, answering emails, and so much more. Luca's son, Enzo, wants to become an entrepreneur and is gaining priceless training, learning, and leadership right at home!
Why are your lighting prices so much lower than other premium brands on the market?
By selling directly to you, we save 30-40% more in production and shipping than the competitors that go through a third party distributor. We also do not pay for influencers or for advertising. We prefer our products to speak for themselves and for our satisfied customers to spread the word to other hobbyists.
What is the warranty on your light bars?
Atlas and Helix lights both have a 2 year warranty. Read our full product warranty policy here.
Do your products use an app to control the lights?
Absolutely not. The last thing we want is for you to have connectivity troubles, set up issues, runaway internal clocks, or malfunctions when you aren't home. Most lights on the market focus on including complicated apps... our focus is on coral health and growth. Unless you are a true coral-growing expert, there is no need for you to spend your time adjusting and tweaking settings. Just enjoy your coral – our light bars have all the necessary technology built in, taking out the guesswork.
What lights do I need for my tank?
Here are some guidelines to help you decide what is best for your tank and coral-growing goals:
For tanks 24” and shallower, Helix really shines. It is low profile, dimmable, sleek black, and easy to mount. Our combo packs include predetermined quantities of Meso Blue and Reef Crest Daylight bars and mounts, taking out any guesswork.
With our combo packs ranging from 3-5 light bars, you can select the one that best suits your needs and lighting style. The 3-light pack is great for your LPS, Softie, Zoa, and/or Shroom tank (12-24” wide). The 4-light pack is a great fit for a higher PAR, mixed reef tank (up to 24” wide). The 5-light pack allows you to keep a SPS-dominated tank (24” wide).
The Atlas, with its optional reflector, is a very versatile and efficient light. Love the performance of metal halides? Atlas is the light for you. With a 14,000k look and the large reflector, the coverage for SPS coral is 36”x36”. They are perfect for larger and/or deeper tanks (24-36") such as aquaculture grow flats and public aquariums, and are built to withstand the abuse of a commercial or industrial application. The reflector provides multi-angle lighting and reduces shadowing, helping SPS thrive.
For average-sized aquariums, the Atlas, without the reflector, is the best route to go. It provides a great spectrum with unequaled output and reduced glare, but (without the reflector) it is lighter, smaller, and easier to mount (Atlas can be mounted as little as 7” off the waterline).
Create the ultimate setup – Atlas to provide the punch and power, and the Helix Meso Blue to create insane coral coloration and to increase spread, ensuring even coverage. This combo is what Luca uses on his personal 1,100 gallon, 12’x6’ aquaculture flat.
How many lights does my tank set-up need?
The width and depth of your tank and the amount of PAR desired matter most. The more PAR, the more light fixtures you should use. For 18" wide tanks most hobbyists will find that 3 Helix Combo Pack will provide the PAR, coverage, and spectrum for all but the most light demanding corals (if you want more than 500 PAR you will need 4 light bars). For 24" wide tanks, the 4 Combo Pack will be perfectly suited for any mixed reef.
The Atlas serves the SPS dominate tanks that are 24-36" wide. Add two Meso Blue Helixes and you have the ultimate SPS set up.
For aquaculture flats we find that an Atlas will cover a 3x3' area for SPS production.
Can I use Helix light bars with existing lighting?
Yes! Being a violet-based light bar, Helix will improve the spectral shortcomings of most commercially available lights will assist in reduced shadowing. We sell 3-D printed mounts for the RMS rail for easy install.
I have a tank with Reefi Unos. What light bar(s) do you recommend?
Because Reefi Unos are very blue, we recommend the Helix Reef Crest Daylight bar. RCD provides a natural look to your tank, and the corals will welcome the full spectrum light.
Can I use your lights on a freshwater aquarium?
Yes. Quanta Lights are perfect for growing plants. Put a Helix Reef Crest Daylight over your African Cichlid tank, and prepare to be blown away!
Is the Atlas really the most efficient reef light on the market?
After all our testing, we cannot find another fixture that comes close to the efficiency of the Atlas. The combination of 720 LEDs, the primary radial lens, and the secondary aluminum reflector can't be beat!
What PAR level is best for my tank set-up?
Recommended PAR levels are as follows:
SPS = +450-300 (µmol*m-2*s-1)
Mixed Reef = 350-200
LPS = 200-100
Shrooms and Zoas = 150-50
Are the 3D-printed mounts easy to install?
Yes. Designed with quality and ease of use in mind, expert 3-D printer Kris Cleven created these mounts with you in mind. Simply snap and lock in place. Still struggling? Check out our installation videos on our YouTube channel.
Is Quad-Core LED tech a gimmick?
Absolutely not. Being able to combine four (4) different spectrum diodes reduce LED sequence repetition, and allows the Helix to engineer the perfect spectrum. The Meso Blue has a repeating sequence of two (2) LED chips, and the Reef Crest Daylight has three (3) – the competition has five to seven (5-7).
How do I get the best life out of my LED lights?
Cool temperature and airflow are key. Avoid a completely enclosed canopy, ensure airflow is present, and install a small fan (if needed). These lights are all passively cooled and this means that they cannot be used in a canopy where three sides and the top are all closed off from room temperature air. The more airflow you give your LEDs and the power supplies, the better. We suggest suspending your power supplies so all sides are exposed to room temperature air. Please email us if you have additional questions!